He texted…

You’re hoping he calls, but texting still counts. Chipotle man. Handsome and an interesting texter.

The problem with texting is that although it’s fun and you can say things you might not normally in person, it’s still a disconnect. We texted for a week on and off. He asked me to join him for a drink Saturday but it was late and I was leaving the next morning for Seattle. “Do you need a ride to the airport?”, handsome texter asks. And I accepted. Via text.

8:00am Sunday morning he picks me up – neither of us really remember what the other looks like, sounds like, or is like. He was sweet and picked up a bagel for our ride. Then he started talking, and talking, and talking. When we arrived at JFK I knew all about his life and that he could talk for 45 minutes without stopping or asking me ONE question. Even when I tried to engage him on his topic, he was almost offended that I said a word. So I just kept quiet and enjoyed his stories. Or tried too.

I thanked him for the ride and was off to the west coast. It’s a week later and I have still not heard from him. Maybe he was annoyed that I acted interested and spoke a few words, maybe he met someone else who he’s now texting, either way it was nice to get a ride to the airport for the first time in 14 years.

About LookingForLove

Single in the city is often fun when you get home from a terrible date, but have a fun story to share with your friends...
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